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  • You talk about 10 Rolfing® sessions. Do I have to commit to 10?
    There is no obligation to do 10 sessions. Moreover, I advice people to try one session. Check how you feel afterwards, if you feel the quality of touch is appropriate for you and how we get along. I will normally contact you a couple of days afterwards to see how are you doing. It might be that you want to do some sessions for a very specific issue. It might be that you come with a very specific issue and end up doing the 10 sessions. In all the cases, you will always be the one deciding if you want to continue or not.
  • How does a Rolfing® session develop?
    In general, we will have a little talk about how you are , which objectives you want to achieve, medical history, etc… afterwards I would ask you to stand, breath, move the arms, walk… some basic moves for me to see how is the pattern of movement of your body. This part is normally being held in underwear, but if you have an issue with it, please let me know and we will find a way around it. Then you will go on the table and we will work on the fascia. Eventhough each session has a particular goal, we touch a very broad territory of the body in every appointment. Afterwards, I might ask you again to stand, walk, breath… check differences from before and have some work standing.
  • What is your schedule? how long are the appointments?
    Usually, I start at 10h and the last session can be book at 19:30h, Monday to Friday. I also offer sessions some Saturdays. Rolfing®: the first session is 2 hours long and I will ask you some medical questions, ask which are your goals etc… Following sessions are a bit shorter, around 90min. I recommend people to wait a minimum of 1 to 2 weeks between sessions. Rolf Movement®: the sessions are around 1hour long. No-Risk Abdominals® classes: the classes are around 1h15min long (private class).
  • Is Rolfing® a massage? Which kind of massage is it?
    Technically speaking, Rolfing® is not a massage. Our main goal is not to release tissue. Our main goal is “alignment”, or how I prefer to look at; “flow of movement”. Part of that can be achieved by physically manipulating the tissue that has become “stuck” and allow movement to happen. Another part is consciousness of our patterns; consciousness of the benefits/no benefits of being in different ways. Another part can be the perception of ourselves in the world. After all this text, I would say… well, yes, you can see that we manipulate tissue. In that sense it is like a deep and slow tissue massage with quite some extras…
  • When is it advisable to do Rolfing®?
    Rolfing® works very well in chronic issues. This is a very broad concept that includes for example: “whener I go through stress/tension/<fill in the blank>… I end up having pain in <fill in the blank>/feeling crooked/feeling not grounded/breathing very shallowly…”. Something is chronic when it is there for more than 3 months.
  • Is Rolfing® painful?
    I would rather say that it can be intense or uncomfortable. Maybe sometimes this kind of “nicely painful”, but it shouldn’t feel as if you have to endure anything. We work from the perspective that the body should feel safe in the first place in order to allow us to work on the tissue.
  • I am pregnant. Can I have a Rolfing® session?
    Yes, you can have Rolfing® appointments. Nevertheless, the appointments will not follow the 10 sessions recipe, since your body is already going through a major change. In this case, we will focus on helping you be comfortable and at ease.
  • Can I attend no-risk abdominals® classes if I have diastasis recti?
    No-risk abdominals® focuses on working in a non-pressure manner and elongating the fibers while they are active. In this sense, since we are not working in “squeezing in” the abdominals, it is safe to do no-risk abdominals. Of course, it will be the best if you inform me about it when we first meet, so we can design the classes to your needs.
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